Recent Study of Non-Keystone Resins for Ovo-Toxicity is Inapplicable to KeyPrint Resins
February 18, 2021
Gibbstown, New Jersey
Keystone Industries is aware of the recent publication of a study by the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Northwestern University, misleadingly titled, “Dental Resins Used in 3D Printing Technologies Release Ovo-toxic Leachates” (the “Study”).
Keystone Industries believes it is important to clarify what materials were and were not included in this Study and to emphasize the safety and efficacy of Keystone’s dental 3D printing resins.
First, the Study only addressed two materials from one single manufacturer (a dental surgical guide resin and dental LT nightguard resin). No 3D printing materials from Keystone Industries, or any other manufacturers, were studied.…