Preventive Products
There’s no doubt about it – dental hygienists need their preventive products, and they need to be the best. Keystone Industries has made several big moves in the past decade to become one of the top dental manufacturers in the preventive space today. One of the biggest is producing Gelato Prophy Paste, which has won the Top Prophy Paste from The Dental Advisor for six years consecutively. Among prophy paste are plenty of other prophy needs, such as the ProphyBrite Air Polisher and Prophy Powder.
Other preventives you will find here are Keystone fluorides, topical anesthetics, and sealants. Between the APF Fluoride Gel and 20% Benzocaine, tasty flavors are all around this category. They are highly sought after by pediatricians, as well as our Aegis® Pit & Fissure Sealant w/ ACP. Be sure to learn more about ACP and how it is comprised of “smart material” properties that help rebuild and protect teeth.
Below you will find all of our preventive products for the dental hygiene field available worldwide through our authorized dealers. If you have any questions, please get in touch with us through email or phone.