As we look at where the dental laboratory industry is at with acrylic denture base processing, the vast landscape of denture base processing still includes technology that has been proven successful through the ages and as I travel around the country lecturing and training on removable technology, I find that removable dental technicians still advocate the old reliable technique in which removable technology was built.
Press packing is still the most widely used method in acrylic processing followed by injection and then by pour acrylic techniques. The success and accuracy of these techniques depend on the right materials and of course the expertise of the technician. I am a big fan of heat cured acrylic and have also been a longtime advocate of Microwave curing. There are many differences in quality on many of the heat cured acrylics out on the market.
I judge an acrylic by natural shade, the strong bond between denture base, flexural strength, impact resistance, bond to denture teeth and finishing and polishing qualities. I also look for a low shrinkage rate in an acrylic. The one acrylic that has been consistent for me over the years has been Diamond D from Keystone Industries. Diamond D acrylic has all of the above qualities.
Whether it be full dentures, partials, implant overdentures or hybrid type cases. I consistently get the same quality result time after time. And those who know me in the industry know that I do not compromise when it comes to quality. I am only interested in giving the patient the best possible case with the ultimate in aesthetics and function.
When Keystone Industries introduced their new Tecnoflask for microwave denture curing, I was very excited to test out this flask with Diamond D acrylic. The results were phenomenal. I got the same quality results time after time. I can now cure a denture in 4 minutes in a 500w-700w microwave oven utilizing Diamond D 20 minute monomer or cure for 9 minutes using regular heat cure monomer. Made of the best thermoplastic material suitable for a conventional microwave oven, the thickness and overall shape of Tecnoflask makes it stand out from competition. Tecnoflask’s toughness and resistance makes it safe against continuous pressure and high temperatures with no damage done to the muffle.
The Tecnoflask is a work horse. I use these flasks every day at our lab with peace of mind that every case is going to be a quality one. You can even cure metal partials, hybrid and bar cases with microwave technology. Another plus is that the acrylic is being cured from the inside out resulting in virtually no free monomer after curing. This is very important for patients who have a sensitivity to monomer.
The following is the Tecnoflask Diamond D microwave technique:
Denture technology has been making some significant advances in materials and technique’s including more natural looking and wear efficient denture teeth. With the recent introduction of digital technology, we are likely to see even more changes in the way we approach removable technology. Keep in mind though that even with digital technology, a denture base resin is still being utilized whatever the method the digital denture is being made.
All in all utilize materials and methods which are consistent in producing quality. Show off your technical talents by bypassing methods which will sacrifice doctor and patient expectations. Keep in mind the ultimate goal-Patient Satisfaction.
About The Author: Dennis Urban, CDT

Dennis Urban CDT has worked in the dental technology field for more than 37 years. He owned and operated a full service lab on Long Island, New York for many years. He has lectured to and trained dentists and technicians worldwide since 1985 on many areas of dental technology, including denture setups, lingualized occlusion, denture processing, implant overdentures, shade communication, soft liners, infection control, and porcelain staining. His technical articles have been published numerous times in many dental publications in the U.S., Canada and Europe.
Dennis Urban has been Vice President of both the Long Island Dental Laboratory Association and the Dental Laboratory Association of the State of New York. He was a Cal Lab board member and a delegate for the NADL. He was the recipient of the 2007 NADL Excellence in Education award and a nominee for the 2012 NADL Educator of the Year and a nominee for 2012 and 2013 NADL CDT of the Year.
Dennis has been a Technical and Sales Director for various dental manufacturers and is currently the Sr. Account Manager and Prosthetic Specialist for Vident.